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Is "Javascript" a case sensitive language ?

Is "Javascript" a case sensitive language ?

Select from following answers:
  1. No
  2. Yes
  3. Maybe

Yes, "Javascript" is a case sensitive language.
For example,

var myname = "sekhar";

var Myname = "sekhar";

The above variables are treated as differently ! 

What is the difference between the below two statements:- (1) var myname = "Akiii"; (2) myname = "Akiii";

What is the difference between the below two statements:-
(1) var myname = "Akiii";
(2) myname = "Akiii";


Both the above two statements are same. In javascript, even if you don't declare a "var" keyword, it is automatically added.

It is always good to use "var" to declare any variable in javascript. It makes the code cleaner and readable. 

Overloading is Static Polymorphism and Overriding is Dynamic Polymorphism ? True or False ?

Overloading is Static Polymorphism and Overriding is Dynamic Polymorphism ?
True or False ?

Select from following answers:
  1. True
  2. False
  3. Maybe
Ans: True